Vega U2020 Application Guide
Rack Mounting Kit
A dual rack mounting kit for the R-2020, MC-2020 and MC-2020A, model RK-2020, is available. Complete
instructions for mounting receivers and multicouplers are included with the RK-2020. Note that there will be an
unfilled hole remaining when a odd number of receivers and multicouplers are mounted. A decorative blank filler
panel, the PB-2020, is available for use in this situation.
Antenna Orientation
When using whip antennas, best performance is usually obtained when the antennas are arranged in a “V” orientation.
In this configuration one antenna will be approximately 45 degrees clockwise from vertical, and the other
approximately 45 degrees counterclockwise from vertical.
-45 45
Remote Antennas
Using directly-attached whip antennas for rack mounted U2020 systems can create a number of performance
problems, including poor range and unnecessary interference. This is especially likely when metal cabinets are used
or when a considerable amount of equipment is being rack mounted.
At the very minimum, the antennas should be relocated to the front panel of the receivers or multicoupler (see
instructions on pages 3 and 4) and the rack turned so that the front of rack faces the area where the wireless transmitter
will be used. When using multiple receivers, the antennas should never be allowed to touch each other.