Vega NB-12 / User Manual
Revision 05 of 21 January 2022
Analog input for voltage measurement from 0 to 3 V
Two inputs operating in the «security» mode for connecting the external leakage
and safety sensors, etc. with ability to configure as pulse to count input pulses
Queue of sending when delivery is not possible
Time referencing of readings by internal clock (UTC)
Extra communication when current on the ‘current loop’ interface is out of
specified thresholds
Communication in case of security inputs or Hall sensor actuation
Measurement of temperature inside housing
Charge measuring of the battery (%)
Ability to filter the pulses by the duration
Device marked with sticker that contain the following information:
Device model;
Month and year of manufacture.
Sticker located in three places – on device case, in factory certificate and on the packing