Utilization in %
CRC error count
Service Disruption in ms
Optical Power level in dBm (1000Base-X connections only)
Once the cable/interface connections are in place, and the thresholds have been set, select and press Start from the pull
down menu.
Monitor mode - Threshold Setup
Monitor mode - Starting Measurement
7.4.2 Results Errors
The following Errors (Current and Total) are displayed;
FCS/CRC - number of received frames with an invalid FCS
IP Checksum (Layer 3 only)
Jabber frames - number of received frames larger than 1518 bytes containing an invalid FCS.
Runt frames - number of received frames smaller than 64 bytes containing an invalid FCS.
Giant frames - number of received frames larger than 1522 bytes containing an invalid FCS.
A flashing red tab indicates an anomaly has occurred. Alarms
The following Alarms (Current and Total) are displayed;
LOS - Loss of Signal
LOS Sync
Pattern Loss - Indicates errors related to test pattern
Service Disruption;
Monitor mode - Errors
Monitor mode - Alarms
MX100/120 e-Manual D07-00-004 Rev A04
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