Component Removal
Removing The Backup Battery
3. If a printer is installed, remove the printer’s USB cable (pointer 3 in Figure 7-3) from the top USB connector
(USB 1).
4. Loosen the T15 ground clamp screw securing the ground wire at the top of the Printer door and slide it free of
Figure 7-12. Removing Printer Door Ground Wire
5. If a printer is installed, unplug the Printer power cable plug from the Power Supply board connector. (see
Figure 7-13. Removing Printer Door Ground Wire
6. Remove the TLS-450PLUS Printer door by removing the top and bottom hinge shoulder T15 screws (similar to
the Ack Switch Panel/Display Door shoulder screws Figure 7-5).
Removing The Backup Battery
1. Perform all of the Steps in the section entitled “Before Turning Off Power” on page 7-2.
2. Open the right and left console doors as described in Step 1 of the section entitled “Removing The Ack Switch
Panel/Display (Right) Door And CPU Board” on page 7-3.
3. Locate the backup battery at the top of the CPU board (see pointer 2 in Figure 7-14).