Mag Probe Installation
UST Installation - Vapor Extractor Riser w/ Coupling Adaptor
3. Make sure there is a minimal amount of slack between the probe and cap, then tighten the cord grip nut until
the cable is held firmly. Push the end of the cable through the field J-box cord grip, then tighten that cord grip
nut as well. Splice and seal the wires in the J-box as shown in the Probe and Sensor Field Wiring on page 51.
If you are using the one piece cap (see Figure 17 on page 24), push the end of the probe cable through the
cap and cord grip bushing, leaving a minimal amount of slack between the probe and cap. Discard the cord
grip nut and attach the Adaptor Nut from the AST kit to the cap (see Figure 12 on page 19). Tighten the
Adaptor Nut until the cable is held firmly. Go to Step 3.
2. If you are installing the metal cap and ring (see Figure 18 on page 25), screw the ring onto the 4” riser until
the gasket contacts the pipe, then use a pipe wrench to tighten it an additional 3/4 turn. Using UL-classified
pipe sealant (suitable for the fuels involved), screw the cord grip fitting into the tapped hole and tighten. Place
the cord grip bushing in the fitting. Discard the cord grip nut and loosely screw the Adaptor Nut from the AST
kit onto the cord grip fitting (see Figure 12 on page 19). Push the cable through the metal cap, bushing, and
Adaptor nut, then clamp the cap onto the ring. Make sure there is a minimal amount of slack between the
probe and cap, then tighten the Adaptor Nut until the cable is held firmly.
3. Next assemble the liquidtight connectors on both ends of the flexible conduit as shown in Figure 12. Push the
cable through the flexible conduit assembly and into the J-box. Connect the flexible conduit assembly to the
Adaptor Nut on one end and the J-box on the other.
4. Tighten the fittings until snug. Splice and seal the wires in the J-box as shown in the Probe and Sensor Field
UST Installation - Vapor Extractor Riser w/ Coupling Adaptor
This type installation is usually a retrofit and is usually connected to the console via direct burial cabling. The site
should already be prepped (all digging, saw cutting, and jackhammering done) prior to probe installation (see
Figure 23). A piece of flex conduit should be in place as shown to protect the cable.
Figure 23. Vapor Extractor Cabling Entry
4" Riser
Manhole Cover
Flex Conduit
Sawcut trench for
Direct Burial Cable
Jackhammered entry to
bottom of manhole