Vac System Testing - TLS-450PLUS Console
Vacuum Integrity Test Prior to Filling Tank (Optional)
3. Select the address of the Vac Sensor from the drop-down list of available addresses.
4. Enter the Label that describes this device. This description will appear on the console screen and reports.
5. The Serial Number is auto-detected for this device.
6. Select the pump that will provide the source of vacuum for this vacuum sensor. You can select from all pumps
that can be controlled by the console to turn on and off. An exclamation point before the pump indicates the
pump is disabled. A Setup Data Warning will occur if a pump is not assigned. The default is Not Assigned. The
console must have the SCVS feature for this field to be enabled.
7. Enter the volume in gallons/liters of the interstitial space being monitored by this vacuum sensor. The range is
0.1 to 500.0 gallons (0.4 to 1892.7 liters). The default is 0 (which is not in range and must be changed to a
valid entry during setup). The console must have the SCVS feature for this field to be enabled.
8. Select Yes or No to indicate if the interstice contains a relief valve. The default is No. Note: When a vacuum
sensor is used to monitor a fiberglass tank’s interstitial space, a relief valve is required to prevent excess
vacuum from damaging the tank.
9. Enter the pressure at which the installed Relief Valve is rated to open (the vent pressure is stamped on the
body of the V-R Relief Valve). The permitted range is -5.0 to -9.0 psi (-34.5 to -62.1 kPa). The default vent
pressure is -5.0 psi.
10.Configure the device.
11.Touch the Vac Sensor number 2 icon at the bottom of the screen to configure the second Vac Sensor. Repeat
Steps 3 - 10 for Vac Sensor 2 and for each of the remaining Vac Sensors.
This completes the Vac Sensor configuration.
Vacuum Integrity Test Prior to Filling Tank (Optional)
Skip to ‘Running a Manual Test’ if this optional test is not going to be performed. If an external vacuum source is
not used to produce a vacuum in the monitored zones prior to startup, you must perform a ‘Manual Test’ on each
sensor to clear the ‘No Vac’ alarm.
A procedure to test the integrity of the interstitial spaces monitored by the Veeder-Root Vacuum Sensors is
discussed in this section. An external vacuum source and necessary fittings must be supplied by the customer.
Before beginning this procedure all vacuum sensor components in the containment sump must be installed as
described in this manual and be connected to a USM module in the TLS Console.
1. Shut off, tag, and lock out power to the pump.
2. At the TLS Console, configure each of the monitored Vac Sensors in the containment sump (ref. TLS-
450PLUS Operator’s Manual, P/N 577014-110). Go to the
Menu>Diagnostics>Vac Sensor>Status