TCI-W11, TCI-W22 Universal Controller
Doc: 70-00-0158C, V2.0-20220523
© Vector Controls GmbH, Switzerland
Page 12-22
Subject to alteration
Control loop configuration
Manipulation of the setpoint (1L and 2L)
Parameter Description
1L 00
Select loop control input (0= loop disabled):
1= 1T, 2= 1H, 3= 1U, 4= 2U
1L 01
Minimum set point limit heating
per input
10°C (50°F)
1L 02
Maximum set point limit heating
per input
28°C (82°F)
1L 03
Minimum set point limit cooling
per input
18°C (64°F)
1L 04
Maximum set point limit cooling
per input
34°C (93°F)
1L 05
Enable set point compensation (0= disabled)
1= winter compensation, 2= summer compensation, 3= winter and summer
1L 06
Loop input special (0= normal):
1= combine loop 1 and loop 2
2= cascade with reverse sequence of primary loop
3= cascade with direct sequence primary loop
4= cascade with both reverse and direct sequence of primary loop
1L 07
Unoccupied (economy) mode set point shift: (Function depends on 1L25)
The occupied (comfort) setpoint is shifted by the value set with parameter.
Reduces the heating set point and increases the cooling set point.
per input
1L 08
Dead zone between heating and cooling set points
The Dead Zone Span lies between the heating and the cooling setpoint. The
output is off while the measured value is within the dead zone span. A
negative dead zone is not possible.
Per input
1.0°C (2°F)
1L 25
Fixed setpoint in Unoccupied (ECONOMY) mode
OFF = Unoccupied (ECONOMY) set point shift applies
ON = In Unoccupied (ECONOMY) mode use minimum setpoint limit as
setpoint in heating mode or maximum setpoint limit in cooling mode
1L 26
Setpoint compensation range, the maximum range the setpoint is shifted.
0 = Temperature setback: the setpoint is shifted towards setpoint limit
Acc input
1L 27
Do not show current value in loop mode
OFF = Current value is shown in loop mode in the large digits. The
setpoint in the small ones.
ON = Current value is not shown, the setpoint is shown in the large digits.
Unoccupied (economy) mode setpoints: There are two possibilities to change the setpoint in unoccupied (economy)
mode: Shift it by L07 or switch to the minimum setpoint limit in heating mode and maximum setpoint limit in cooling.
Unoccupied (economy) mode may be disabled by setting UP06 to OFF.
Control loops and sequences are activated when output parameters are defined.
Cascade control
In cascade control (L06) the setpoint of the secondary loop is determined by the demand of the primary loop. The
setpoint of the secondary loop is calculated proportionally according to demand of the primary loop between minimum
and maximum setpoint limits. Cascade control is activated by setting the parameter
L06 of the secondary control
A typical application is a variable air volume system where the temperature output determines the pressure set point.
Cascade Control Example
VAV Application
Primary loop = temperature (1L)
Secondary loop = airflow/pressure (2L)
Settings: 2L01=20%, 2L02=60%, 2L06=2
Depending on temperature
setpoint, the demand is calculated
for loop 1. For example 40%.
Based on demand of loop 1, the setpoint of pressure loop is calculated
proportionally between min (20%) and max (60%) pressure setpoint limits.
A demand of 40% will result in a setpoint of 36% in the above example.
Setpoint Compensation
The setpoint compensation is typically used to compensate the set point due to a change in outside temperature. The
relationship to the input used to drive the setpoint compensation is defined in auxiliary functions FU00 to FU07.
Enable summer or winter set point compensation for this control loop with L05. Define the compensation range with
L26.L26 defines the full setpoint shift once the compensation input has reached its lower limit in winter mode or
upper limit in summer mode.
Setting the range parameter to 0 will activate the setpoint setback function: The setback function shifts the set point
toward the set point minimum or the set point maximum based on an external input value. Once the compensation
input has reached its lower limit in winter mode or upper limit in summer mode, the setpoint is fixed to the setpoint
minimum or maximum value. Commonly this is used for humidity control to avoid condensation on outside walls or
windows in very cold weather.