©Vecow ECX-2200/2100 PEG User Manual
Appendix B
APPENDIX B : Software Functions
B.1 Driver API Guide
In Header folder, Vecow.h and VecowLinux.h contain usabled API for Windows/Linux.
BOOL initial_SIO(BYTE Isolate_Type, BYTE DIO_NPN)
Initial machine for IO and watch dogtimer.
Isolate_Type : DIO type.
1 : Isolated DIO;
0 : Non-Isolated DIO(GPIO).
DIO_NPN : DI/DO type.
1 : PNP (Source) mode for European rule;
0 : NPN (Sink) mode for Japanese rule.
Return :
TRUE (1) : Success.
FALSE (0) : Fail (Driver not exists, or version is too old, or machine not match).
BOOL get_IO1_configuration(BYTE *Iso, BYTE *DI_mode, BYTE *DO_
mode, WORD *Mask)
BOOL get_IO2_configuration(BYTE *Iso, BYTE *DI_mode, BYTE *DO_
mode, WORD *Mask)
Get DIO configuration (by variable)
Isolate_Type : DIO type.
1 : Isolated DIO;
0 : Non-Isolated DIO(GPIO).
DI_mode ([7:0]) : DI type, pin setting by hexadecimal bitmask only for
Isolated DIO.
0xFF : PNP (Source) mode for European rule;
0 : NPN (Sink) mode for Japanese rule.
DO_mode : DO type only for Isolated DIO.
1 : PNP (Source) mode for European rule;
0 : NPN (Sink) mode for Japanese rule.
Mask ([15:0]) : In/Out, pin setting by hexadecimal bitmask only for Non-
Isolated DIO(GPIO).
1 : Output;
0 : Input
Return :
TRUE (1) : Success.
FALSE (0) : Fail (Initial error, or call by pointer error, or hardware problem).