Button allocation and functions with the cadence option
If the cadence option is activated, the cadence functions are
displayed by pressing the TPC (TOTAL/PULSE/CAD) button.
Current cadence:
Permanently shown on the top right of the display.
Average cadence CAD AVG:
The average cadence for the current trip is displayed.
Maximum cadence CAD MAX:
The maximum cadence for the current trip is displayed.
Attaching the cadence transmitter
Heart rate + cadence option
A description of how to attach the cadence transmitter can be
found in the cadence transmitter instruction manual.
On the VDO M5, you can
activate the heart
rate and cadence options.
The heart rate and cadence are both shown on the display
A video of how to attach the cadence transmitter can be
found at: www.vdocyclecomputing.com/service
For how to activate the heart rate option, see page 45.
For how to activate the cadence option, see page 50.