Rev. H-041409
Page 13
P/N VDC OBD12-24-36-48-MNL
Models OBD12-24-36-48
Battery and Charging System Tester
Although very simple, this tester can accurately
detect the condition of your battery as well as
indicating whether your alternator or charging system
is functioning sufficiently to recharge your battery.
you must adhere to the instructions below
to ensure you will get accurate readings.
: For the most accurate readings always allow
your battery to “Rest”* for a minimum of 12 hours,
i.e. without charging or discharging or running your
engine. Further test battery only with engine and all
accessories and lights turned off. Test alternator /
charging system only when engine is running and
without lighting/accessories turned on.
*”RESTED” = a battery that has been as fully charged as possible,
using your vehicle’s alternator or a 3-stage charger. When using a
charger be sure to disconnect unit from the charger and any type
load for a minimum of 12 hours before testing.
To Test Battery
(Engine and ALL power using lighting or accessories
must be off for accurate readings
• Press the PUSH to TEST button and hold down
while viewing the LED indicators
NO LEDs are lit = Battery has LESS THAN
VOLTAGE (may be dead, shorted or severely
discharged) Have battery load tested or recharge and
LED lit = POOR =
Volts = Battery may be,
shorted, or deeply discharged. If in doubt replace.
= FAIR =
Volts (Both
LED’s will light) = Battery may be shorted or
discharged and unable to start your vehicle. Also
check charging system
= GOOD =
(All 3 LED’s will light)
Battery is “healthy”
Represents Voltage specific to your OBD model.
See Table for each model on page 15.