Orbiter Gold / Lite Owners Operation & Installation Guide
Page 16 © Video Controls Limited 2001 MNGLXXXX0901UK
Chapter 2
Settings on the Orbiter Gold / Lite Top
Board (VC472)
In the following section, please refer to Figure xix below, for the
locations on the board.
Figure xix
The Orbiter Gold / Lite Board
LED D17 will illuminate if the receiver that is being controlled by
Coax telemetry is selected by the transmitter and the coax
telemetry is satisfactory. If the receiver is being controlled by
twisted pair telemetry, LED D17 will flash whenever a valid
telemetry command is received.
VR1 (LIFT) and VR2 (GAIN) are factory set. They are designed
to improve the picture quality transmitted by the Orbiter Gold /
Lite when long cable runs are involved and a degradation of pic-
ture quality occurs. Before adjusting either the LIFT or GAIN,
ensure that the iris is correctly adjusted.
If the image is ‘smearing’ due to a long cable run, then the LIFT
pot may be adjusted to sharpen the image.
If the contrast of the image is low, (caused by an attenuated video
signal), make adjustments by turning the GAIN pot.
Over adjustment of either the GAIN or the LIFT pot
will result in further image quality degradation.
9 5
9 5
G A IN C ontro l - S e e te xt fo r h ow to
us e th is con trol
LIF T C ontrol - S e e te xt fo r h ow to
us e th is con trol
S Y S O K L.E .D . -
T h is L E D is illum ina ted if the
rec eiver is be in g con trolle d by
C oa x telem e try a nd is se le cted
by th e tra ns m itter. If th e
rec eiver is be in g con trolle d by
tw is te d p a ir, it w ill fla sh
w he n e ver a v alid tele m e try
co m m a nd is rece iv ed .
A larm Inpu ts C on necto r
A la rm s 5 -8 , R ela y 2
A larm Inpu ts C on necto r
A la rm s 1 -4 , R ela y 1
1 -2 = Te rm in ation O N
2 -3 = Te rm in ation O F F
Te rm in ation L in ks
T h e term ina tio n is s et
us in g the d ou b le
jum p e r link s ho w n
A d dress S etting s sw itch -
U se d for settin g ad dre sse s
on th e O rbiter G old / L ite
S w itch 8 of D IL S W 2 is
us ed fo r A la rm A u to S eek
an d tog gles this fun ctio n
O N an d O FF
S pecial pro toco l setting s
F o r V C L s ettin gs o n ly
Summary of Contents for Orbiter Gold Microspheres
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