Separate the foam filter from the fabric
cassette. Each filter can be tapped against
the side of a dust bin to remove the excess
dirt and dust (Fig 6/6).
The pre-motor filters may be rinsed in warm
water (max 40 deg.). Allow to thoroughly air
dry before replacing.
Do not use any detergents or boiling
water to wash the filter. Vax recommends this
filter should be checked and cleaned
Once completely dry, return the pre-motor
filters and case to the vacuum cleaner.
Replace the pre-motor filter cover before
restarting the vacuum cleaner.
Cleaning the Post-motor filter
This is located on the base of the
vacuum cleaner.
Using a coin, rotate the post-motor filter
cover lock clockwise, and remove the cover
as shown. Remove the filter by pulling the tab
towards you (Fig 6/7).
2. Parts Overview
7. Cleaning Blockages
To reduce the risk of injury, the
power cord must be disconnected before
performing maintenance / troubleshooting
1. Turn the vacuum cleaner off and unplug
from the electrical outlet.
2. The flexible hose can be disconnected
from the vacuum cleaner by turning the
hose to the left and pulling away from the
machine. Remove any blockages found
then reconnect the hose securely.
8. Storage
Always unplug the vacuum
cleaner from the electrical outlet and rewind
the power cord as directed before storing.
Always store the vacuum cleaner
base down.
Replacement Filters
If lost or damaged replacement filters are
available from your stockist or Vax direct.
Phone Vaxcare or visit www.vax.com.au for
stockist listing.
The filter can be tapped against the side of a
dust bin to remove the excess dirt and dust
(Fig 6/8).
The post- motor filter may be rinsed in warm
water (max 40 deg.). Allow to thoroughly air
dry before replacing.
Do not use any detergents or boiling
water to wash the filters. Vax recommends
washing the filter every 3-6 months.
Once completely dry, return the post-motor
filter to the vacuum cleaner. Replace the
post-motor filter cover before restarting the
vacuum cleaner.