Using your machine
Attach the car brush to the trigger
handle. Firmly push the car brush
and trigger handle together, turn
clockwise to lock into position.
Switch on the pressure washer and
squeeze the trigger to release water
spray or water and detergent mix.
To remove the brush from the trigger
handle firmly push and twist the
lance anti-clockwise to unlock.
Pull to remove.
Push the extension tube onto the
patio brush head and turn clockwise
to secure. Twist and push the patio
head collar to lock the extension tube
into position.
Attach the extension tube onto the
trigger handle, push firmly and twist
clockwise to lock into place.
Switch on the pressure washer and
squeeze the trigger to release the
rotary water spray.
To remove the extension tube from
the trigger handle, firmly push
and twist the extension tube anti-
clockwise to unlock. Pull to remove.
To remove the patio brush from the
extension tube, twist the patio head
collar anti-clockwise. Push and twist
the patio brush anti-clockwise to
unlock, pull to remove.