VAUDE ProDUktschUlUng/
VAUDE ProDUct trAining 2011
© Copyright VAUDE Sport gmbh & Co. Kg • 06.2010
tiPPs UnD tricks/
tiPs AnD tricks
AUsrÜstUngsBEFEstigUng: wAnDErstÖckE
wanderstöcke werden unten in die Schlaufe eingesteckt.
Anschließend den Schaft oben mit dem Klettriemen befes-
AttAching gEAr: trEkking PolEs
trekking Poles are inserted from below into the loop and
fixed the same way as the ice equipment on top.
Please fix the shaft afterwards on top with the Velcro strap
by opening it, putting the shaft inside and closing it again.