17.0” PowerVue User Guide 150-059
The monitor can be adjusted to display a wide range of video formats, depending on the
capabilities of the video source (typically a PC graphics card) and the requirements of the
application. Once adjustments have been made for a given format, they are remembered, and
readjustment is automatic when switching between remembered formats.
However, most video sources can themselves support multiple formats, and some thought should
be given to the setup of the video source to take maximum advantage of the monitor’s capabilities.
Every VT170 Series monitor is equipped with a state-of-the-art scaling engine that allows it to
display images formatted at various resolutions in such a way as to take optimum advantage of
the display area while minimizing scaling artifacts. However, like all LCD monitors, the units
provide the best possible imagery when operated at their native resolutions.
Native Resolution
Aspect Ratio
Color Depth
1280 x 1024
24 bpp
Likewise, the VT170 Series monitors provide the best possible imagery when the video source is
set up to support a color depth of 24 bits/pixel, because this color depth corresponds to the
capabilities of all these monitors, allowing them to display over 16 million distinct colors at once.
In order to support a resolution of 1280x1024 or 1600x1200 and a color depth of 24 bits/pixel, a
video source must have a large frame buffer (RAM). In cases where the video card has limited
memory, color depth might have to be sacrificed to obtain high resolution, or vice versa,
depending on the requirements of the application.
For example, a video card with 2.25MB of RAM can support a 1024 x 768 display resolution at a
color depth of 24 bits/pixel. However, for 1280x 1024 resolution, the color depth must be reduced
to 8 bits/pixel. (16 bpp would require 2.5MB RAM, while 24 bpp would require 3.75MB.)
A general rule for determining the video memory requirements (in megabytes) for a given
resolution and color depth is given here:
Frame buffer memory (MB) = horz_resolution * vert_resolution * bpp / 8388608
Setting up the Video Source