Begin by making sure the Game Inserts that came with your scoreboard are in the proper location on
the controller, as in the image below.
A Note about the LCD Display:
The LCD display provides the scorer with any information that the scoreboard will display. The
Up/ Down Arrows on the GAME Keypad are used to scroll the information on the LCD Display. There
are two lines of text. Pressing either arrow will cycle those lines of text.
When the POWER switch is turned ON the controller’s LCD will show the following:
Keyboard V12.XXX
Then the sport will be displayed with the scoreboard number under it briefly.
To Continue Last Game Press ENTER, To Start New Game Press RESET
Pressing either ENTER or RESET will enter the controller’s game mode selection list. From here, the
operator can begin scoring the game or enter the option menu where the game may be changed and
keyboard options such as contrast and clock functions may be set.
1. Pressing ENTER will recall information from the last game that was played and display it on
the controller and scoreboard. At this time game play can resume.
2. Pressing RESET will begin a new game. The controller will display the default start up
information with no scores, the default time on the clock, and Period will be 1.
3. To access the option menu press RESET quickly followed by OPTION.
NOTE: Shortly after the controller is turned off a single digit on the scoreboard will begin to flash an
“8” and will continue to do so until power to the scoreboard has been shut off at the scoreboard's