3. You can also set the color, brightness, and contrast by accessing the MENU. The MENU
button is on the upper left side of the screen (marked by an open book icon). Once in the
MENU, press the up or down ARROWS to get to the desired selection, then hit the MENU
button once more and use the ARROWS to make your selection.
4. To mount the monitor on top of your camera, screw the VZ-SHOE * (1) into the threaded hole
on the bottom of the monitor (2) and loosen the disc at the base of the VZ-SHOE so that you
will be able to insert the square plate into the shoe slot on the camera. Once inserted, you
must screw the disc down onto the shoe slot to secure the mount (if you don’t screw the disc
down, you may not be able to tighten the swivel lock knob). Position your monitor and tighten
the swivel lock knob.
* VZ-SHOE and VZ-702M (battery kit) are optional accessories not included with model VZ-
TFT-7 (VZ-TFT-7U monitor kit includes VZ-TFT-7, carrying case, battery kit, shoemount, and
VZ-HD7 sunhood).
The VZ-TFT-7 is covered by a full 90-day parts and labor warranty.
- 888-826-3399