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V a r i a b l e   T e n s i o n   E x e r c i s e r  f o r   H a n d ,   F i n g e r s ,   W r i s t   &   F o r e a r m

Fine Motor Exercise Dexterity Trainer:  

Remove palm bar. Place tension knob  between thumb 

and index fingertips. Slowly rotate counter-clockwise until the  tension dial reaches the top. 
Reverse motion until the tension dial reaches the bottom. Switch fingers and repeat until com-
pleted with each finger.

Thumb Opposition: 

Place the curved end of the palm bar over the base of the small finger with 

the base of the thumb resting on the end button (4).  Flex thumb in a downward motion toward 
the base of the small finger. Note: To keep the unit steady, hold the VariGrip™ with the other 
hand. Place the curved end of the palm bar over the base of the small finger with the base of 
the thumb resting on the end button (4).  Flex thumb in a downward motion toward the base of 
the small finger. Note: To keep the unit steady, hold the VariGrip™ with the other hand.

Thumb Trainer for Texting & Gaming: 

Remove palm bar. Interlock fingers. Stand the unit right 

side up, resting on the interlocked fingers so that thumbs are resting on Buttons 1 and 2. Press 
Button 1 with thumb, followed by Button 2 with other thumb. Move first thumb to Button 3, and 
second thumb to Button 4. Continue alternating thumbs to different buttons in a smooth rhythmic 
motion, as if playing an instrument.

Thumb Flexion: 

Thumb Tip: Place the middle of the fingers on the palm bar and the TIP of the 

thumb on the second or third button (whichever is more comfortable). Flex the thumb down 
towards the fingers. Thumb Base: Follow the above instructions except place the BASE of the 
thumb on the second or third button (whichever is more comfortable). While holding the thumb 
tip straight out, flex the base of the thumb. Note: For increased resistance, place thumb in the 
center of the second and third buttons and flex the second and third buttons and flex.

Key Pinch:

 Place the curved end of the bar on the side of the bent index finger and the thumb 

on Button 1. With the tip of the thumb slightly bent, begin to flex.

Intrinsic Plus Position: 

Place the indented center of the palm bar at the base of the thumb with 

the numbered buttons resting at the base of the fingers (1 for index, 2 for middle, 3 for ring, and 
4 for small). While holding the tips of the fingers straight out, bend only the base of all the 
fingers and the thumb toward the center of the unit at the same time. If needed, use other hand 
to stabilize VariGrip™.
