The plug-in is available in two different versions which are exactly the same but just offer dif-
ferent internal gain staging.
Use the black version if you mix at rather conservative target levels around -18dB RMS.
Use the blue version instead if you mix at hotter levels above.
On the left side there are three individual sections for the EQs. Switch them on to boost the
selected frequency region. The curves are very smooth and you can't harm any audio content
even at highest BOOST amounts and in mastering situations. LOW and AIR perform with
shelving filter characteristics while MID performs a bell-shaped curve which morphs into a
shelving filter at higher frequency settings.
On the right side you'll find two sections, one for controlling the exciter algorithms
(DRIVE/MOJO) and one to control overall output (OUT), dry/wet level (MIX) and bypassing
the whole plug-in.
The two meters in the middle allow you to monitor the incoming and outgoing audio. The
little screws inside each meter control the ballistics.
As already mentioned, Thrillseeker XTC contains a true parallel EQ design. This means that
the three EQs are not following each other in a serial cascade but are working in parallel and