87-900-806-01 (F)
High voltage present in the control unit can cause
severe injury or death. Service must be carried out only
by qualified and authorized personnel.
Disconnect the vent controller from the power
interconnecting connector on the Turbo-V controller
and remove the top cover of the vent control unit by
undoing the four bottom screws.
Choose the appropriate times, make the appropriate
jumper setting and position the rotary switch (refer to
the following figure). Place only one jumper for each
time and then turn the rotary switch multiplier for the
desired value.
E.g: to set a delay time of 30 seconds and a venting
time of 4 minutes proceed as follows:
Adjust the delay time rotary switch to 8 and place the
jumper across 1/16 minute.
Adjust the venting time rotary switch to 8 and place
the jumper across 1/2 minute.
Use the appropriate tool to adjust the time settings to
avoid damages to the rotary switches.
The minimum venting times for each Turbo-V pump
series with the high vacuum flange blanked off and leak
tight, are listed below.
Turbo-V 60/80
2/16 minute
Turbo-V 200/250
3/6 minute
Turbo-V 300
4/16 minute
Turbo-V 450
7/16 minute
Turbo-V 1000
0.5 minute
Turbo-V 1800
1 minute
Turbo-V 3500
1.5 minutes
Turbo-V 6000
4 minutes
The minimum venting time is the time needed to reach a
pressure of about 500 mbar (375 Torr) inside the pump
in order to avoid mechanical pump oil backstreaming
and contamination of the Turbo-V pump.
Times Selector