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Questa apparecchiatura è destinata ad uso professionale. 
L'utilizzatore deve leggere attentamente il presente manuale di 
istruzioni ed ogni altra informazione addizionale fornita dalla 
Varian prima dell'utilizzo dell'apparecchiatura. La Varian si 
ritiene sollevata da eventuali responsabilità dovute 
all'inosservanza totale o parziale delle istruzioni, ad uso 
improprio da parte di personale non addestrato, ad interventi 
non autorizzati o ad uso contrario alle normative nazionali 
Le pompe della serie Turbo-V 250 sono pompe turbomolecolari 
per applicazioni di alto e ultra alto vuoto, capaci di pompare 
qualsiasi tipo di gas o di composto gassoso. Non sono adatte 
per il pompaggio di liquidi o di particelle solide. 
L'effetto pompante è ottenuto tramite una turbina rotante ad 
elevata velocità (56000 giri/min. max) mossa da un motore 
elettrico trifase ad alto rendimento. Le pompe Turbo-V 250 
sono totalmente prive di agenti contaminanti, e sono quindi 
adatte per applicazioni che richiedono un vuoto "pulito". 
Nei paragrafi seguenti sono riportate tutte le informazioni 
necessarie a garantire la sicurezza dell'operatore durante 
l'utilizzo dell'apparecchiatura. Informazioni dettagliate sono 
fornite nell'appendice “Technical information”. 

Questo manuale utilizza le seguenti convenzioni:









I messaggi di pericolo attirano l'attenzione dell'operatore su 
una procedura o una pratica specifica che, se non eseguita in 
modo corretto, potrebbe provocare gravi lesioni personali. 






I messaggi di attenzione sono visualizzati prima di procedure 
che, se non osservate, potrebbero causare danni all'apparec-


Le note contengono informazioni importanti estrapolate dal 


Durante il trasporto e l'immagazzinamento delle pompe non 
devono essere superate le seguenti condizioni ambientali: 


temperatura: da -20 °C a +70 °C 


umidità relativa: 0 - 95% (non condensante) 

Se il tempo di immagazzinamento è superiore a 9 mesi, 
avviare la pompa nel modo SOFT START (vedi manuale 
dell’unità di controllo). 


La pompa viene fornita in un imballo protettivo speciale; se si 
presentano segni di danni, che potrebbero essersi verificati 
durante il trasporto, contattare l'ufficio vendite locale. 
Durante l'operazione di disimballaggio, prestare particolare 
attenzione a non lasciar cadere la pompa e a non sottoporla ad 
urti o vibrazioni. 
Non disperdere l'imballo nell'ambiente. Il materiale è 
completamente riciclabile e risponde alla direttiva CEE 85/399 
per la tutela dell'ambiente. 







Onde evitare problemi di degassamento, non toccare con le 
mani nude i componenti destinati ad essere esposti al vuoto. 
Utilizzare sempre i guanti o altra protezione adeguata. 



La pompa non può essere danneggiata rimanendo 
semplicemente esposta all'atmosfera. Si consiglia comunque di 
mantenerla chiusa fino al momento dell'installazione sul 
sistema onde evitare eventuale inquinamento da polvere. 


Non installare e/o utilizzare la pompa in ambienti esposti ad 
agenti atmosferici (pioggia, gelo, neve), polveri, gas aggressivi, 
in ambienti esplosivi o con elevato rischio di incendio. 
Durante il funzionamento è necessario che siano rispettate le 
seguenti condizioni ambientali: 


pressione massima: 2 bar  


temperatura: da + 5 °C a +35 °C 


umidità relativa: 0 - 95% (non condensante). 

In presenza di campi elettromagnetici la pompa deve essere 
protetta tramite opportuni schermi. Vedere l'appendice 
"Technical Information" per ulteriori dettagli. 
Le pompe turbomolecolari della serie Turbo-V 250 devono 
essere utilizzate solo con uno degli appositi controllori Varian 
(serie 969-9423, 969-9504, 969-9523, 969-9425 e 969-9866) e 
devono essere collegate ad una pompa primaria (vedere 
schema in "Technical Information"). 
La turbopompa può essere installata in qualsiasi posizione. 
Fissare la turbopompa in posizione stabile collegando la flangia 
di ingresso della turbopompa ad una controflangia fissa capace 
di resistere ad una coppia di 1000 Nm attorno al proprio asse, 
oppure utilizzando l’apposito kit opzionale per il fissaggio alla 








Staccare l’adesivo e togliere il tappo di protezione solo al 
momento del collegamento della turbopompa al sistema. 



Summary of Contents for 969-9007


Page 2: ...Turbo V 250 ...

Page 3: ......

Page 4: ......


Page 6: ... pompa nel modo SOFT START vedi manuale dell unità di controllo PREPARAZIONE PER L INSTALLAZIONE La pompa viene fornita in un imballo protettivo speciale se si presentano segni di danni che potrebbero essersi verificati durante il trasporto contattare l ufficio vendite locale Durante l operazione di disimballaggio prestare particolare attenzione a non lasciar cadere la pompa e a non sottoporla ad ...

Page 7: ...andata all aria della pompa utilizzare aria o gas inerte esente da polvere o particelle La pressione di ingresso attraverso l apposita porta deve essere inferiore a 2 bar ATTENZIONE Evitare urti o bruschi spostamenti della turbopompa quando è in funzione I cuscinetti potrebbero danneggiarsi ATTENZIONE Per il pompaggio di gas aggressivi utilizzare solo le versioni speciali della pompa Turbo V 250 T...

Page 8: ...entstehen können ANMERKUNG Die Anmerkungen enthalten wichtige Informationen die aus dem Text hervorgehoben werden LAGERUNG Beim Transport und bei der Lagerung der Pumpen müssen folgende klimatische Verhältnisse vorliegen Temperatur von 20 C bis 70 C Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit 0 95 Beträgt die Lagerzeit mehr als 9 Monate muß die Pumpe bei Inbetriebsetzung im SOFT START Modus gestartet werden siehe H...

Page 9: ...iner Heizmanschette Optional ausgeheizt werden Damit die Flanschgrenztemperatur der Turbopumpe 120 C nicht überschreitet sollte immer bei ausheizbaren Vakuumsystemen die TP mit Wasserkühlung arbeiten GEFAHR Während des Ausheizens dürfen weder die Pumpe noch eventuelle heiße Anschlußteile berührt werden denn es besteht Verbrennungsgefahr ACHTUNG Für die Belüftung der Pumpe trockene staub und partik...

Page 10: ... pourraient endommager sérieusement l appareillage NOTE Les notes contiennent des renseignements importants isolés du texte EMMAGASINAGE Pendant le transport et l emmagasinage des pompes il faudra veiller à respecter les conditions environnementales suivantes température de 20 C à 70 C humidité relative 0 95 non condensante Si le temps d emmagasinage est supérieur à 9 mois amorcer la pompe en mode...

Page 11: la chambre à vide la température de la bride d entrée ne doit pas dépasser 120 C Utiliser toujours le refroidissement par eau pendant les opérations de chauffage Utiliser toujours le refroidissement par eau pendant les opérations de chauffage DANGER Eviter de toucher la turbopompe ainsi que ses accessoires éventuels pendant les opérations de chauffage La température élevée peut causer des lésio...

Page 12: ... podrían provocar daños al equipo NOTA Las notas contienen información importante extraída del texto ALMACENAMIENTO Durante el transporte y el almacenamiento de las bombas se deberá cumplir con las condiciones ambientales siguientes temperatura de 20 C a 70 C humedad relativa 0 95 no condensadora Si el periodo de almacenamiento es superior a 9 meses poner en marcha la bomba en modalidad SOFT START...

Page 13: ...ra de la brida de entrada no deberá superar 120 C Utilizar siempre la refrigeración por agua durante las operaciones de calentamiento PELIGRO No tocar la turbobomba y sus posibles accesorios durante las operaciones de calentamiento La alta temperatura puede provocar lesiones a las personas ATENCION Para el envío de aire de la bomba utilizar aire o gas inerte sin polvo o partículas La presión de en...

Page 14: ...iam causar danos à aparelhagem OBS As obs contêm informações importantes destacadas do texto ARMAZENAGEM Durante o transporte e a armazenagem das bombas não devem ser superadas as seguintes condições ambientais temperatura de 20ºC a 70ºC humidade relativa 0 95 não condensante Se o tempo de armazenagem for superior a 9 meses accionar accionar a bomba em SOFT START ver manual da unidade de controlo ...

Page 15: ...or opcional Durante o eventual aquecimento da câmara a vácuo a temperatura no flange de entrada não deve ser superior a 120 ºC Utilizar sempre o resfriamento com água durante as operações de aquecimento Utilizar sempre o resfriamento com água durante as operações de aquecimento PERIGO Não tocar a turbobomba e os seus eventuais acessórios durante as operações de aquecimento A elevada temperatura po...

Page 16: ...nwezig zijn temperatuur van 20 C tot 70 C relatieve vochtigheid 0 95 niet condenserend Als de opslagperiode meer dan 9 maanden bedraagt de pomp met de SOFT START wijze opstarten zie handleiding regeleenheid UITPAKKEN De pomp wordt in een speciale beschermende verpakking geleverd als er schade wordt geconstateerd die tijdens het transport veroorzaakt zou kunnen zijn meteen contact opnemen met het p...

Page 17: ...s niet tijdens het verwarmen aan De hoge temperatuur kan lichamelijk letsel veroorzaken ATTENTIE Gebruik voor de luchttoevoer naar de pomp lucht of inert gas zonder stof of vaste deeltjes De inlaatdruk via de hiervoor bestemde poort moet minder dan 2 bar boven de atmsoferische druk bedragen ATTENTIE Vermijd stoten of bruuske verplaatsingen wanneer de turbopomp in werking is De lagers kunnen hier n...

Page 18: ...jdsmetode der skal overholdes for ikke at skabe risiko for skade på udstyret BEMÆRK Bemærkningerne indeholder vigtige yderligere oplysninger OPLAGRING Under transport og oplagring af pumpene skal følgende omgivelsesbetingelser være overholdt temperatur fra 20 C til 70 C relativ fugtighed 0 95 ikke kondenserende Hvis pumperne oplagres i mere end 9 måneder skal de sættes i gang på den såkaldte SOFT ...

Page 19: ... overstige 120 C Brug altid vandafkøling under opvarmningen ADVARSEL Rør ikke ved turbopumpen eller eventuelt tilbehør under opvarmningsmanøvrerne Den høje temperatur kan forårsage kvæstelser på personer PAS PÅ Til pumpens luftafløb anvendes luft eller en inaktiv luftart der er fri for støv og partikler Indgangstrykket gennem den særlige åbning skal være under 2 bar PAS PÅ Undgå stød eller pludsel...

Page 20: ...ramför procedurer som måste följas exakt för att inte risk för maskinskada skall uppstå OBSERVERA Detta visar på viktig information i texten FÖRVARING Följande krav på omgivningsförhållanden gäller vid transport och förvaring av pumpen temperatur från 20 C till 70 C relativ luftfuktighet 0 95 utan kondens Efter förvarning under mer än nio månader skall pumpen startas med MJUKSTART metoden se bruks...

Page 21: ...ra tryckgränserna kan pumphuset värmas med ett särskilt värmeaggregat som finns som tillval Under uppvärmningen av pumploppet får temperaturen vid inloppet aldrig bli högre än 120 C Under uppvärmningen måste vattenkylningen användas VARNING Vidrör inte turbopumpen eller några tillbehör under uppvärmningen för att undvika brännskador VIKTIGT Använd luft eller ädelgas fri från damm och partiklar för...

Page 22: ...m dersom de ikke følges kan føre til at utstyret skades MERK Merknadene inneholder viktig informasjon som er hentet fra teksten LAGRING Når pumpene transporteres eller lagres må følgende miljømessige krav oppfylles temperatur fra 20 C til 70 C relativ fuktighet 0 95 uten kondens Skal utstyret lagres lengre enn ni måneder må pumpen MYKSTARTES se kontrollenhetens manual KLARGJØRE TIL INSTALLASJON Pu...

Page 23: ...temperaturen ved inngangsflensen ikke overskride 120 C Bruk alltid vannavkjøling under oppvarmingen ADVARSEL Ikke berør turbopumpen eller noe av tilleggsutstyret under oppvarmingen De høye temperaturene kan føre til brannskader FORSIKTIG Bruk støv og partikkelfri luft eller inaktiv gass ved lufting av pumpen Trykket ved inngangen må ikke være mindre enn 2 bar FORSIKTIG Unngå støt eller brå bevegel...

Page 24: ...oi johtaa laitteen vahingoittumiseen HUOMAUTUKSET Huomautuksissa käyvät ilmi tekstissä käsitellyt tärkeät tiedot VARASTOINTI Pumppujen kuljetuksen ja varastoinnin aikana täytyy seuraavien ympäristöa koskevien ehtojen olla täytettyinä lämpötila 20 C 70 C suhteellinen kosteus 0 95 ei tiivistävä Jos varastointiaika on yli 9 kuukautta tulee pumppu käynnistää SOFT START tavalla katso kontrolliyksikön k...

Page 25: ...menninta Tyhjiökammion mahdollisen kuumentamisen aikana ei sisäänjohtavan laipan lämpötila saa olla yli 120 C Käyttäkää aina kuumentamisen aikana vettä jäähdytykseen VAARA Älkää koskeko turbopumppuun tai sen lisäosiin kuumentamisen aikana Korkea lämpötila voi saada aikaan henkilöiden loukkaantumisia HUOMIO Päästettäessä pumppuun ilmaa tulee käyttää ilmaa tai jalokaasua joissa ei ole pölyä tai hiuk...

Page 26: ... sth suskeuÿ SHMEIWSH SHMEIWSH SHMEIWSH SHMEIWSH Oi shmeièseij peri coun shmantik j plhrofor ej pou coun apospaste apÒ to ke meno APOQHKEUSH APOQHKEUSH APOQHKEUSH APOQHKEUSH Kat th di rkeia thj metafor j kai thj apoqÿkeushj twn antlièn pr pei na throÚntai oi akÒlouqej periballontik j sunqÿkej qermokras a apo 20 C m cri 70 C scetikÿ ugras a 0 95 asumpÚknwth E n o crÒnoj apoqÿkeushj xepern ei touj 9...

Page 27: ...te p nta ugrÿ yÚxh KINDUNOS KINDUNOS KINDUNOS KINDUNOS Mhn agg zete thn tourmpoantl a kai ta di fora exartÿmat thj kat tij ergas ej q rmanshj H uyhlÿ qermokras a mpore na prokal sei proswpik j bl bej PROSOCH PROSOCH PROSOCH PROSOCH Gia na dioceteÚsete me a ra thn antl a crhsimopoie ste a ra ÿ adran j a rio kaqarÒ apÒ skÒnh ÿ lla stoice a H p esh eisÒdou diam sou thj eidikÿj pÒrtaj pr pei na e nai ...

Page 28: ...e storage time is longer than 9 months start the pump using the SOFT START mode see control unit manual PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATION The pump is supplied in a special protective packing If this shows signs of damage which may have occurred during transport contact your local sales office When unpacking the pump be sure not to drop it and avoid any kind of sudden impact or shock vibration to it Do ...

Page 29: ...r or inert gas free from dust or particles for venting the pump The pressure at the vent port must be less than 2 bar CAUTION Avoid impacts or harsh movements of the pump when in operation The bearings may become damaged CAUTION For pumping aggressive gases use the specially desgined versions of the Turbo V 250 pump These pumps are fitted with a special port through which a flow of inert gas must ...

Page 30: ...rol ler through a 6 pin socket on the side of the pump The pump is balanced after assembly with a resid ual vibration amplitude less than 0 01 µm The pump can operate in any position and can be supported on the high vacuum flange or on its base The connection of the forevacuum on the side of the pump is a KF 16 NW flange The Turbo V250 pump consists of a high fre quency motor driving a turbine fit...

Page 31: ... requirements Natural air convection Forced air or water optional Operating ambient temperature 5 C to 35 C Coolant water flow 30 l h 0 13 GPM temperature 10 C to 30 C pressure 3 to 4 bar Bakeout temperature 120 C at inlet CF flange maximum 80 C with ISO flange Vibration level displacement 0 01 µm at inlet flange Noise level 45 dB A at 1 meter Input 58 Vac three phase 933 Hz Lubricant permanent lu...

Page 32: ...aph of nitrogen pumping speed against inlet pressure Graph of compression ratio against foreline pressure Graph of nitrogen throughput against inlet pressure using the recommended mechanical forevacuum pump 27 87 900 851 01 A ...

Page 33: ...g speed by about 10 The inlet screen is fitted in the upper part of the pump as shown in the figure The screen can be mounted on either pump series and is supplied with a small tab for easy removal see figure Overall dimensions with the protection screen fit ted on pump series 969 9007 with ISO 100 flange Overall dimensions with the inlet screen fitted on pump series 969 9008 with ConFlat 6 flange...

Page 34: ... shield should be installed to pre vent thermal radiation heating the high vacuum flange on the pump The maximum temperature allowed for the inlet flange is 120 C The heater band model 969 9803 and 969 9804 can be used to heat the pump casing when a bakeout is needed This type of heater band fits only on 969 9008 se ries pumps It is is applied to the upper part of the pump casing as shown in the f...

Page 35: ...ooling is insufficient The kit is assembled as shown in the figure Cooling may be carried out either through an open circuit with eventual discharge of the water or us ing a closed circuit cooling system In both cases the water temperature must be be tween 10 C and 30 C with an inlet pressure between 3 and 4 bar This allows a flow of about 30 l h NOTE The water electrical conductance must be 500 µ...

Page 36: ...rom the rear as shown in the diagram and screw them in ensuring that they do not protrude from the other end Use the Allen key supplied for this purpose Turn the pump the right way up Fix the pump to a base by using the three screws provided M4 thread in the holes in the three feet Turn the pump upside down CAUTION Before overturning the pump remove the protec tion screen if fitted Insert the thre...

Page 37: ... maximum power 2 16 W dimensions 60x60 mm 2 36x2 36 inches Specification for large fan mod 969 9313 The low power fan can also be mounted under the pump as shown in the figure air flow 25 l s 51 CFM input voltage 120 Vac 50 60 Hz maximum power 17 W dimensions 119x119 mm 4 69x4 69 inches BOTTOM MOUNTING Open the package containing the feet and respec tive screws and install them as indicated in the...

Page 38: ...10 mm hexagonal span ner CAUTION The vent valve mod 969 9833 enables undesired pump areation during a temporary power failure 5 sec maximum to be avoided and enables an automatic vent operation Do not overtighten the valve as this may damage the thread on the pump Unscrew the threaded plug 33 87 900 851 01 A ...

Page 39: ... temporary power failure adjustable time up to 36 min and enables an automatic vent operation Vibration isolators for both ISO and CF version pumps are available as accessories They can re duce the vibration transmitted from the Turbo V 250 pump to the system Please refer to the rele vant instruction manual Unscrew and remove the threaded plug Screw the flange mod 969 9109 on the pump tak ing care...

Page 40: ...mmend using Varian hardware 8 Fore vacuum pump connecting flange 9 Oil mist eliminator To facilitate assembly and dismantling apply Fel pro C 100 high temperature lubricant to the screw threads protruding from the flange and between the nuts and flange 10 Fore vacuum pump with internal one way valve 11 Fore vacuum pump control relay 12 Connection for water cooling Attach the units and tighten each...

Page 41: ...nge KF 16 NW is available to connect the Turbo V 250 to the fore vacuum pump A hose or vacuum approved pipe can be used If a rigid pipe is used any vibration generated by the mechanical pump must be eliminated through the use of bel lows NOTE The Turbo V 250 is characterised by its high com pression ratio also for oil vapors When using a mechanical oil sealed pump it is advisable to in stall a sui...

Page 42: ...NTIFICATION Product Description Varian P N Varian S N Purchase Reference TYPE OF RETURN check appropriate box Paid Exchange Paid Repair Warranty Exchange Warranty Repair Loaner Return Credit Shipping Error Evaluation Return Calibration Other HEALTH and SAFETY CERTIFICATION Varian Vacuum Technologies CAN NOT ACCEPT any equipment which contains BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS or RADIOACTIVITY Call Varian Custome...

Page 43: ...ate No zero high backround Gauge tube not working Display problem Vacuum system unstable Cannot reach test mode Communication failure Degas not working Failed to start Other Error code on display Other Customer application Customer application PRIMARY PUMPS DIFFUSION PUMPS Pump doesn t start Noisy pump describe Heater failure Electrical problem Doesn t reach vacuum Over temperature Doesn t reach v...

Page 44: ...ian India PVT LTD 101 108 1st Floor 1010 Competent House 7 Nangal Raya Business Centre New Delhi 110 046 India Tel 91 11 5548444 Fax 91 11 5548445 Italy Varian Vacuum Technologies Via F lli Varian 54 10040 Leini Torino Italy Tel 39 011 997 9111 Fax 39 011 997 9350 Japan Varian Vacuum Technologies Sumitomo Shibaura Building 8th Floor 4 16 36 Shibaura Minato ku Tokyo 108 Japan Tel 81 3 5232 1253 Fax...
