The product design corresponds to the requirements of Act No. 22/1997 Collection
and connected acts and regulations.
The manufacturer reserves the right to carry out technical modifications and
innovations in the course of manufacture which can not be described in these
directions and which do not substantially influence the function and safety of
operation. The manufacturer reserves the right without prior notice or obligation to
carry out technical modifications and innovations which may not correspond with the
text and diagrams of these directions.
text and illustrations c 1999 * Mepol Libice a.s.*
publication No: ML – 029BK - 98
We ask you to take note of the following information concerning your machine. It is
necessary that this information be known when ordering spare parts.
We recommend that you make a copy of this completed page on purchase of the
machine in case of loss or theft of the original.
Serial number
Purchase date
Telephone / fax