Varan Motors
BCIE SARL, gruuss-strooss 28, 9991 Weiswampach, Luxembourg
T: 00352/26908036 – F: 00352/26908040
Please read and keep these instructions available for future reference.
To open the safe
Input the code (the original code set by factory is 1, 5, 9), and press "B", part of the model for the "E"("B" and "E"
are the confirmation keys, "A" and "C" are the deletion keys), the green light on, please turn the key or knob in 5
seconds, (if there is handle, please turn the handle first), and pull out to open the safe.
Each press the yellow light will flashing with the beep, indicating that microprocessor confirmed it. If the yellow
light keep on flash with the beep means the code is wrong. Three times' wrong code will result the
microprocessor refuse to accept the input for 20 seconds, if press three times' wrong code again will result the
microprocessor refuse to accept for 5 minutes.
Close the safe
Close the door, and turn the key or knob (if there is handle, please turn the handle to the vertical place).
To set and change the user code
Press the red button while the door is open, the yellow light will be on, please input the user code in 30 seconds
(3-8 bits),then press "A" or "B" to finish.
The yellow light keep on flashing with beeps means the code is wrong. To change the user code please repeat
How to use your override key
If you forget your code, first please take off the override cover beside the knob or key, inset the override key and turn
to left, then rotate the knob or key (if there is handle, please rotate the handle first), the door will be opened . Do
not put the override key in safe box.
The changing of battery
If the red light is on with green light indicating that you should change the battery. To be sure the battery are installed
correctly. Please have a test before you close the door.
Override cover