1. Unlock the lockring by lowering it to the handle.
2. Adjust the torque by aligning the upper edge of the handle on the
desired torque value.
3. Lock the desired torque by releasing the lockring.
4. You will hear a «click» when the desired torque has been reached.
Extensions and adaptors
Using an extension or an adaptor (increasing the effective length of the
torque wrench) modifies the torque value.
To calculate the new torque, use the following formula :
A x L
L + C
A = Applied torque at the end of the adaptor/extension
L = Distance between the square drive and the hand position
B = Torque wrench scale
C = Adaptor or extension length
Various factors including the adaptor or extension length, the torque
wrench’s length and the hand’s position have an influence on the above
calculation accuracy.