Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The
manufacturer does not make any representations or warranties (implied or
otherwise) regarding the accuracy and completeness of this document and
shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damage,
including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other
damage. No part of this document can be reproduced or transmitted in any
form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording or information recording and retrieval systems without the
express written permission of the manufacturer.
The NBA-100U USB Audio Adapter comes with a 1 year limited warranty
(90 day parts). If your unit should become defective within that time frame,
please go to http://www.vantecusa.com for information on how to receive
warranty exchange or repair. Cosmetic defects and missing parts are not
covered under this warranty. Please check the contents of the unit to make
sure you received all parts. Also, check for any cosmetic flaws. If any parts
are missing or if there are cosmetic defects, please contact the retailer from
which you purchased the unit immediately and ask for a replacement.
Vantec Thermal Technologies
43951 Boscell Rd.
Fremont, CA 94538
tel: 510-668-0368
fax: 510-668-0367
website: www.vantecusa.com