– Free Memory / Total Memory
Flash memory is like the Hard-Drive on a computer.
This is the main memory storage area for all
programming. Data is compressed when downloaded.
– updates (live) this screen, buttons 1 or 2.
– If any IC on a system contains a flash memory
card, pressing button 3 or 4 will cause the program on the
card to be loaded to this InFusion Controller only.
SCREEN 9 – This screen is very important when using IP for
controller to controller communication.
C2C | Ethernet
: (Eth:)
must be Enabled (default) using this mode.
: Because more than one InFusion System may be on a
single network a channel (Chn:) number may also be assigned.
Example, it is possible to have two ICs with address 1 in a large
building containing two or more InFusion systems and one
network. Assigning a unique channel number to each
Controller allows the
identically addressed
controllers to operate as
independent systems on the
same network.
This is a bitmask of all
controllers visible to this
controller displayed in HEX.
Convert to binary to see
controllers position. Each “1” in binary, is a Controller.
Example: Peers:
SCREEN 9 (cont.) –
Example A
above, “IC 1-A” sees both “IC 2-A” and “IC 2-B”
controllers. It does not know which IC 2 belongs to it’s
Example B
above “IC 1-A” and “IC 2-A” have been assigned
to Channel 1 and “IC 1-B” and “IC 2-B” have been assigned to
Channel 2. This now allows each controller on the network to
only talk to its co-controllers and ignore other controllers.