Airplane Flight Manual
Van’s Aircraft RV-7A
7 Aeroplane and system description – Page 18
Edition 01.11.2017
7.13 Miscellaneous equipment
A Kannad AF-406 Compact ELT is fitted in the tail, which can be controlled
through a remote control panel.
CO Guardian CO Detector
A carbon monoxide detector detects unusual concentrations of carbon
monoxide which cannot be smelled by humans. However, presence of CO
is very dangerous as it could incapacitate the pilot without previous
warning. Most likely source would be a leak in the exhaust system / cabin
heating system.
7.14 Avionics
Advanced Flight Systems AF3400 EF and EM electronic flight information
system (EFIS)
All essential flight data is displayed through this system. Refer to the
Operating Manual from
The left unit physically contains the air data and solid state gyro part,
while the right side unit contains all the engine sensor interfaces. All the
data however is interchanged and can be displayed on each screen. The
units have their own internal backup battery and could continue to work
(at reduced brightness) for up to an hour after an electrical bus failure.
MapPC Embedded PC solution.
This unit is a custom development. Primary function is to provide
navigation and flight management functions. Due to the possibilities of
the platform however, further functions like entertainment, connectivity
etc… are also possible. The unit is considered non-essential for flight.
Advanced Flight Control Unit (AFCU)
Another custom development, this is essentially a remote control interface
to the EFIS. Providing more discrete rotary buttons for each function to
make up for the shortcomings of one single rotary per EFIS screen. The
unit is considered non-essential for flight.
Advanced Flight Systems AOA Sport
This system displays the current flight AOA in a row of LED’s. The AOA is
calculated based on pitot, static and on top wing/bottom wing differential
pressures. It inherently serves as a stall warning device, also featuring
audio warnings.