Vanmaster, Unit 5 Stone House Road, Martland Park, Wigan WN5 0LE
www.vanmaster.net | [email protected]
Theft deterrent, prevention and security of your Caravan is taken very
seriously at Vanmaster, that is why we have provided a number of standard
features and optional extras designed to deter and prevent thieves from
stealing your property. And in the unlikely event that they should succeed,
aid the identification, speedy recovery of your property and assist in the
prosecution of the thief.
Caravan Theft:
The theft of a Caravan can occur in the most unlikely circumstances; from a
motorway service area, even from an owner's driveway. Secure all windows
and doors when your Caravan is unoccupied, even if only for a short length
of time.
Chassis/CRIS number:
Your CRIS registered number, Vanmasters year of manufacture and
production number can be found on the front offside section of the
drawbar, or any of the Caravan windows.
Make a note of this number in the space provided at the front of this
handbook and keep it safe at home and not in your Caravan.
CHRIS registered number and Vanmaster Identification number.
Additional Security.
Consider fitting any device, which might deter or prevent intrusion by
A hitch lock cover prevents towing of the Caravan.
A wheel lock prevents towing of the Caravan or removal of the wheel.