V&P Scientific 710SM Operation And Care Manual Download Page 4





Connect the motor to a computer loaded with the Smart Motor Interface software via the RS 232 
cable.  Turn the motor on.  Under the File Menu, select “Retrieve Program from Motor”.   See 

Table 1

 for a list of the sample of the factory installed command lines.  PLEASE NOTE:  Lines 

1-24 and 26-39 are machine command codes which include acceleration, deceleration and 
starting velocity commands that 

should NOT

 be changed.  The velocity setting for the factory 

installed program is 500,000     (Line #25:  V= 500000). 
To double the default velocity, change V= 500000 to V= 1000000 in Line #25. 
This will increase speed ~2 fold 
Once the new speed is established, save the file under a new name.   After saving the modified 
file, send it to the motor by clicking on the shortcut key labeled: “T”.  The program will be 
scanned for errors.  If no errors are found it will be compiled and sent to the motor.  If there are 
any problems, the software will tell you what to do.  
To test the downloaded program remove power from the motor, wait for the LED’s to go out and 
restore the power.  The program will always be executed upon power up.  In this case, the motor 
will move back and forth in accordance with the program you have sent it.  It is fully stand-alone 
now and will operate without the host computer. 
As an alternative to powering down the motor you can issue the “Z” command which completely 
resets the SmartMotor as if it were newly powered up. 

