SWL: 300 kg/661 lbs, 400KG/900bs, 570 kg/1250 lbs
SafeHandlingSheet is a sheet that can be used for repositioning in bed with both stationary and mobile lifts. It
features sixteen suspension points, eight on each side of the patient. SafeHandlingSheet is designed to meet the
need for repositioning patients in bed.
SafeHandlingSheet is part of a range of different sling models and accessories. The choice of model and material is
determined by the patient’s functional capacity and the situations in which the product is to be used.
Functional Inspection
Visual Inspection
Check the condition an function of the product regularly, and always after laundering. Check to insure that the fabric
is not worn, damaged of bleached. If there are signs of wear, the product must be discarded.
Always Read the Instructions
Read instructions for all assistive devices used in connection with transfers.
Do not leave the patient unattended during a positioning situation.
Check to ensure that all suspension loops are correctly hooked to the slingbar.
Check slingbar connection and safety latch function.
Vancare's slings and lifts are part of the Vancare concept, which takes a holistic approach to patient
transfers. Vancare has 4 categories of transfers: transfer, positioning, support and lifting.