4) Pairing the fitness tracker
Scan the QR code to download the application (HPlus Watch) on respective mobile device.
a) Switch on Bluetooth function of mobile device
b) Launch the HPlus Watch application
c) Under “Settings”, click on Bluetooth and connect to “VHA-14”
After pairing is successful, set the application function and user info to your convenience.
5) Application
a) Dashboard: Check data of today, yesterday and summary.
b) Real time HR: Everytime your heart rate is tested, data will be saved here.
c) Settings: Bluetooth
Sync: Click to sync data from fitness tracker
Notifications: Text and call notification display
(Text messages shown on iOS devices only)
Alarm: Set alarm or reminder
Do some exercise: Reminder to keep you moving
Screen save time: Set the screen time of the fitness tracker
All day HR: When switch on, heart rate will be tested every 10 minutes
Erase user data: Erase data on fitness tracker
6) Reset to factory setting
On fitness tracker, short press the touch function key until you get to the Bluetooth
information screen. Press and hold the touch function key until “VHA-14” appears.
Do not let go of the key when screen displays “Goodbye” and “Welcome”.