Valon Technology 5009a Operations Manual – Version 1.38
Page 27
Source <1|2>; OFFset <F> <U>
Stores an offset frequency that can be added to any Frequency command. This command is
useful for heterodyned frequency conversion systems, i.e. systems that employ an RF mixer for
s 1; off 2m will set source 1 offset to +2MHz. If for example source 1 frequency was set to
200MHz, the actual output frequency would be 202MHz.
The query form is Source <1|2> ; OFFset ? <U> or
Source <1|2> ;OFFset?
Note: UI may accept offsets that result in an out of range frequency however firmware will check
and report an error condition.
Source <1|2>; FrequencyStep <F> <U>
Sets the frequency step size in CW mode. Used with INCRement and DECRement command.
Note: Step size can be any value however it may be more practical to limit the maximum
acceptable step size to 100MHz. The minimum step size is complicated by whether the
synthesizer is integer mode or Fractional mode, what the output divider is setting is.
Source <1|2>;FrequencyINCrement <F> <U>
Increases the CW frequency by the amount set by the STEP command.
Source <1|2>;FrequencyDECrement <F> <U>
Decreases the CW frequency by the amount set by the STEP command.
Sweep Mode
Source <1|2>; SWEep
Each source can independently sweep from a Start frequency to Stop frequency by setting the
mode to SWEep. Example:
Source2;MODe SWEep
Source2;[Frequency];[SWEep]; STARt 2000m
Source2;[Frequency];[SWEep] ; STOP 2400m
Source2;SWEep;STEp 1 M; Notice in this case the ;SWEep command is required in order to
differentiate the sweep step size from the CW increment/decrement step size.
Source <1|2>; STARt <F> <U>
Sweep Start frequency. Example:
Source2; STARt 2000M