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What the units include can vary depending on the sales area.
If ventilation is closed, it also prevents
new, clean outdoor air from coming in
to the house and dirty air from going
Impurities emanating from human bo-
dies, structures and the soil, such as
carbon dioxide, humidity, smells, for-
maldehyde, dust and radon, quickly
spoil indoor air and cause health da-
Too high a humidity may destroy the
building structures and cause mould
and fungus growth. Therefore, the
building regulations require ventilation
to be continually in operation and the
level of ventilation to be adjusted as
needed by the user.
As the name says, a dwelling-specific ventilation system (blocks of flats, terraced houses,
small detached houses) is meant for only one dwelling.
The system includes two sides. The extract air side takes dirty and humid air out, while the
supply air side brings a corresponding amount of outdoor air in.
Ventilation in the rooms is continual and can be regulated as needed. Outdoor air is mainly
brought to the bedrooms, sitting room, fireplace room, dining room and sauna. From these
rooms supply air can flow freely, for instance through door vents, to the bathroom, sauna,
toilet, walk-in closet, kitchen and other rooms with air vents. If also cold outside air can be
let in to the sauna, only use it when needed as combustion air for a wood heated sauna
The resident may regulate the power of ventilation (air circulation) as needed.
Outdoor air is filtered before taking it in to the dwelling. A coarse filter first removes the
biggest litter particles, thereby preventing the system from getting dirty. After that air passes
through a fine filter, which catches finer dust and even the smallest pollen particles.
Filter guard (option)
An optional filter guard for the unit monitors the cleanliness of the unit and the supply air
filters. The setpoint of the filter guard is set individually for each dwelling so that the filter
guard indicator lights up at fan speed 3 or 4 when the filters are clean.
Fireplace switch function (option)
If the unit has been equipped with a fireplace switch (timer), it can be used to stop the extract
air fan for a certain period, such as 15 minutes, producing overpressure in the ventilation
zone. This makes it easier to light the fireplace, for instance.
The situation will normalise some time after the function has stopped.
Note! The starting of the extract air fan may weaken draught in the fireplace.
Heating of outdoor air
During the heating season, heat included in extract air is used to heat air coming from the
outside. Heat is transferred in the heat recovery cell through laminas, and extract air never
mixes with air coming inside. This may provide all the heating needed. The ventilation units
are, however, equipped with a post-heating radiator, which can be used to warm air if more
heating is needed.
Post-heating radiator
The post-heating radiator of the VALLOX 70 COMPACT unit is a PTC resistor, which aims
at heating the air blown to the rooms to preset temperature. The temperature of supply air
is adjusted at the thermostat regulator located inside the unit. The post-heating radiator is a
PTC resistor, the laminas of which are live when the unit is in operation. The PTC resistor
must not be touched before the unit has been switched off. It is advisable to set the thermostat
at 0
C in summer. In this case, the radiator does not heat air.
Preheating radiator
Vallox 70 Compact comes standard with a preheating radiator. The antifreeze thermostat
switches the radiator on instead of stopping the outdoor air fan. The radiator heats outdoor
air before the cell, preventing it from freezing. In very cold temperatures the preheating
radiator is not enough to heat maximum air flow to a sufficient degree (In a temperature of
minus 30 degrees Celsius, maximum air flow is 30 dm
/s, which corresponds to speed
2 or 3). The threshold values for automatic antifreeze can be adjusted inside the unit. The
tubular preheating radiator is connected to two overheat protectors. One of the overheat
protectors is automatically resetting (type BTS) and the other is a cut-off one (type BTC, cut-
off). If the overheat protectors have tripped, switch off the unit for a moment.
Post-heating radiator
Preheating radiator
Thermostat regulator