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The trademarks were used merely to identify the sound character of the products
E ect List
FX Title
Parameter Description
Ambience 1 Delay
This model is a multi-tap delay that brings
you expanded sound spaciousness. 1, 2
stands for di erent tonal variations
Mix: Controls the wet/dry signal ratio
Feedback: Controls the amount of feedback
Time: Controls the delay time
Level: Controls the e ect output
Mod: Controls the e ect modulation amount
Tone: Controls the e ect tone
Sync: Switches Tap Tempo sync on/o
Trail: Switched e ect trail on/o when the e ect is bypassed
Ambience 2 Delay
Produce pure, precised delay sound
Mix: Controls the wet/dry signal ratio
Time: Controls the delay time
Feedback: Controls the amount of feedback
Sync: Switches Tap Tempo sync on/o
Trail: Switched e ect trail on/o when the e ect is bypassed
Produciing warm delay sound with analog
Simulates solid-state tape echo sound
Ping Pong Delay
A ping-pong delay producing stereo feedbadk
bounces back and forth between left and
right channels
Delay Simulates the classic slapback echo e ect
Mix: Controls the delay wet/dry signal ratio
Time: Controls the delay time
Feedback: Controls the amount of feedback
Trail: Switched e ect trail on/o when the e ect is bypassed
Sweep Echo Delay
Producing a delay e ect with sweeping filter
modulated repeats
Mix: Controls the wet/dry signal ratio
Time: Controls the delay time
Feedback: Controls the amount of feedback
Sweep Depth: Controls the sweep filter depth
Sweep Rate: Controls the sweep filter speed
Sweep Sync: Switches sweep filter Tap Tempo sync on/o
Time Sync: Switches delay Tap Tempo sync on/o
Trail: Switched e ect trail on/o when the e ect is bypassed
Ring Echo Delay
Producing a delay e ect with ring modulated
Dly Mix: Controls the delay wet/dry signal ratio
Time: Controls the delay time
Feedback: Controls the amount of feedback
Ring Mix: Controls the ring mod wet/dry signal ratio
Freq: Controls the ring mod frequency
Tone: Controls the ring mod tone
Sync: Switches Tap Tempo sync on/o
Trail: Switched e ect trail on/o when the e ect is bypassed
Simulates tube-driven tape echo sound
Mix: Controls the wet/dry signal ratio
Time: Controls the delay time
Feedback: Controls the amount of feedback
Sync: Switches Tap Tempo sync on/o
Trail: Switched e ect trail on/o when the e ect is bypassed