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© 2017 Valeport Ltd
4. Operations
4.1. Power Up
There are two power up modes. The unit will either immediately begin running in the
previous sample mode, or will immediately send a ‘>’ character, and wait for a
command. There needs to be a delay of at least 500ms before sending the first
command. In both cases, the data format will remain as that previously used.
Reads start up mode
Readings at last rate at start up
No readings at start up
4.2. Stop Command
The unit can be stopped at any time by sending the ‘#’ character. The unit returns a ‘>’,
and waits for a further command.
4.3. Command Echoes
Each command character is immediately echoed back
<Enter> is echoed back as <cr><lf>
4.4. Pressure Format Commands
Turns pressure sensor off and unit reverts to SV only operation mode
Sets pressure data format to 1 decimal place
Sets pressure data format to 2 decimal places
Sets pressure data format to 3 decimal places
Sets units to dBar
Sets units to Metres
Sets units to Feet
Read Pressure Units
4.5. Pressure Tare Commands
Turns Tare mode on (i.e. unit subtracts fixed value from pressure data)
Turns Tare mode off (i.e. unit outputs pressure as read)
Unit takes single pressure reading to use as Tare value.
Sets Tare value to zero (i.e. removes tare)
Input Tare value in units of 0.001dBar (i.e. 9000 = 9dBar)