Section 4 | Datalog X2
– Valeport Ltd
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4 Datalog X2
DataLog X2 is a package for communication, configuration and control of Valeport Instruments. It
also contains basic graphing and data display functions for internally recorded and real time data
from Valeport Instruments.
It has all the features of Valeport Terminal including data logging, wizard based instrument
configuration, file downloads, multiple port connections and TCP-IP serial connection for use over
internet connections.
4.1 Home ToolBar
The Home toolbar gives access to graphing and file management tools. Data from recorded files
and downloaded files can be loaded and viewed as tables and graphs.
4.1.1 File Manager
In DataLog X2 a file is either a recorded data file from real-time connection, or a downloaded file
from an instrument. Downloaded files and recorded files are automatically loaded into the file
manager window.
Previously downloaded or recorded files can be added by clicking on the button
Files will be sorted in the order that they are added. The select button activates or deactivates the
file. Workspaces
A workspace is a saved configuration of files, graphs and tables. When the workspace is loaded, it
will automatically load the files and create the graphs and tables saved in the workspace.
4.1.2 Time Series Chart
A time series chart can be for single parameter or multiple parameters. Time is always on the X
axis. If multiple parameters are selected then multiple Y axes will be displayed.