Valcom, Inc.
5614 Hollins Road
Roanoke, VA 24019
P. 540-563-2000
F. 540-362-9800
Valcom, Inc.
5614 Hollins Road
Roanoke, VA 24019
P. 540-563-2000
F. 540-362-9800
Support - Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting
Does this master clock convert time data to 2-wire 24-volt communication protocol?
No. To convert time data to the 2-wire 24-volt communication protocol, the user must purchase a
converter box by ordering part number SCB-100-000-1
My sync-wire secondary clocks do not seem to be getting the time shown on the master clock.
What went wrong?
Keep in mind that the clock 1 and clock 2 outputs control the sync-wire systems. Check to be sure that
the correct system has been set for the appropriate clock circuit. Check the setting definitions under the
section labeled Manual Controls: Setting 20.
What communication protocols (inputs) can this master clock use to receive time data?
NTP, SNTP, 59 minute correction, four different versions of 58 minute correction, National Time/Rauland,
Dukane Digital, Rauland Digital, Once a Day Pulse, and an RS485 protocol.
If the master clock has a wireless transmitter, then it can accept signals from any other device by the same
manufacturer that transmits a wireless time signal.
If a GPS module and antenna was ordered with the master clock, it can receive time from GPS satellites.
How often does a master clock wireless transmitter broadcast a synchronization signal?
The master clock transmitter is set by the manufacturer to broadcast a synchronization signal once every
minute, at the top of the minute.
What do I do if I cannot connect to the master clock web interface?
First, make sure that you are using the master clock’s current IP address. To view the master clock IP
address, press and release both buttons on the front panel simultaneously twice. This will cause the first
three digits of the IP address to appear on the LED display. Pressing and releasing both buttons again
simultaneously will show the next three digits. Repeat for the last two sets of numbers.
If the IP address is correct, contact your network administrator and ask them to confirm that there are no
provisions in your network firewall that prevent you from accessing the master clock. Firewall Ports 80 and
123 must be open to use the master clock on a network.
If all else fails, connect to the master clock with a cross-over cable.
What web browser should be used for accessing the Web Interface?
The Web interface has been found to function on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera, and
Chrome. It is accessible on desktop and mobile computers, as long as the device is on the same network as
the master clock.
Can I connect to the web interface through a cross-over cable?
Yes. The V-MCS-CD can be accessed with a cross-over cable or over a LAN connection.