Primary Sailing Screens
Pressing the home button at the bottom of the Atlas will cycle through all of the different screens
currently set up on your Atlas. Each screen is populated by widgets, which display different
kinds of data. A few of the default screens that ship with the Atlas 2 are shown above. Using
Vakaros Connect, you can add screens and change the existing ones to best suit your needs.
The default main screen, also designated the ‘home’ screen, has 4 widgets: Heading, Speed,
Heel, and Trim. The heading widget includes a shift tracking display, with a lift/header indicator
in degrees and a trend graph, both determined relative to the current reference angles, see
Angle menu, below. The speed widget shows current speed in knots, as well as the max and 10
second average. The heel and trim displays show the current value in degrees and consistency
bars, measuring how steady the boat has been in heel and trim. We suggest that you use this
default home screen for your first few sails until you get a feel for the capabilities of the Atlas 2.
Note that via the Customizable UI feature ANY screen can be designated the ‘home’ screen,
which is the screen that the Atlas 2 shows at power-up, and switches to at the end of the start
Atlas 2 User Manual
Revision 2022-3-07