Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
VAISALA________________________________________________________________________ 13
Jumpers and LEDs
Jumpers for Charge Current Limit
The battery charging current limit can be adjusted in 0.5 A steps with
the three jumpers J1 - J3 on the QBR101's front panel. The adjustment
is normally made according to the battery capacity. For example, a
suitable charging limit for a 12 Ah lead-acid battery would be 1.0 to
1.5 A. The jumper setting instructions are given in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2
Adjustment of Current Limit
Jumper for Battery Voltage Select
The jumper J4 on the front panel selects between the 12 V (J4 open)
and 24 V (J4 closed) battery systems. The jumper selection defines the
Low Battery Alarm limit and the Deep Discharge limit only, while the
charging voltage level itself is determined by the External Voltage
Selection resistor.
The green Charging LED is illuminated, when the battery is under
charging. It is blank, when the battery is discharged or the charging
current is below approx. 200 mA.