USER'S GUIDE ____________________________________________________________________
48 ___________________________________________________________________ M211187EN-C
Ground the signal cable with the same method at both ends.
Wire the communication cable according to the instructions in
section Communication Options below.
Figure 25
Cable Grounding Instruction
The following number refers to Figure 25 above:
1 = Cable shield
Communication Options
The FS11 sensor provides RS-232, RS-485, and modem transmission
interfaces for data messages. A separate RS-232 interface is provided for
maintenance purposes. Consider your communication needs before the
installation. The method of communication depends on the distance
between the computer or the display and the FS11 sensor, and on the
number of FS11 sensors. The possibilities are described in Table 7
Table 7
Communication Cable Lengths
Cable Length
One FS11
Several Sensors on the Line
<50 m
RS-232, RS-485
RS-485 (300 or 1200 bps)
<1200 m
RS-485, modem
RS-485 (300 or 1200 bps)
>1200 m
Modem (300 or 1200 bps)
Serial Communications Settings
The default serial communications port settings of FS11 are: 9600 baud,
no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit.