Chapter 3 _______________________________________________________________ Installation
VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 11
This chapter provides you with information that helps you to install
this product.
Selecting the Launching Site
When selecting the launching site, consider the following:
- Make sure that there are no power lines, trees or any other
obstructions close by.
- The minimum distance to any obstruction depends on the wind
speed and direction.
- In marine operation, install the launcher so that the balloon is
launched on the lee side.
Assembling Balloon Launcher FB15
To assemble the balloon launcher, do the following. For details, refer
to Figure 1 on page 13.
Assemble the frame modules, see items A, B and C in Figure 1
on page 13. Insert the fixing screws and lift the eye nuts in the
correct holes.
Install the sonde holder, see item D, between the two frame
modules so that the module C (the one with eyelets) is always to
the right of the sonde holder.
Fasten the nozzle, see item E, to the nozzle bracket, see item F.
Install the nozzle bracket underneath the sonde holder. Tighten
all fixing screws.