Chapter 2 __________________________________________________________ Product Overview
This chapter introduces the features and system structure of CA31.
Introduction to Vaisala VLF Antenna CA31
The CA31 is a free standing whip antenna for local monitoring and
synchronization of VLF or Loran-C networks. In addition, these
signals enable differential correction of measurements when used for
comparison with signals received from a radiosonde.
The antenna is used together with VLF Antenna Amplifier, covering
VLF and Loran-C frequency ranges. The VLF antenna amplifier is
designed for reception of VLF signals in the 10 to 30 kHz band and
Loran-C signals of 100 kHz band. The antenna amplifier is mounted
to the side of the antenna stand with clamps. The signal from the
antenna whip is connected via the antenna amplifier to the sounding
The antenna has a steel and glass fiber construction. It consists of a
whip, extension and stand. The antenna contains also accessories.
Fixtures are made of passivated aluminum with paint finish. Insulators
are of weather and radiation resistant PVC. The maximum height of
the antenna construction is 6.0 meters.
The components and construction of the antenna system are show in
Figure 1 on page 8.
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