Euro B/S 277/0
Adjusting the central
heating output
(range rating)
The boilers are fully modulating for
central heating, and it is therefore not
necessary to range rate the boiler.
However, if desired, it is possible to
range rate the boiler, as follows:
Connect the U-gauge to check
burner pressure.
Use Table G.3 on page 48 to
determine the central heating
output required.
Note the burner pressure setting.
Turn on the central heating.
Ensure that any thermostatic
radiator valves are open and set to
Similtaneously press and release
the „
” and „
” buttons to activate
burner pressure mode.
The boiler will light at the factory
set nominal gas rate.
DO NOT open any hot water tap
while carrying out this procedure
(TURBOmax Plus only).
Check that the U-gauge reading
corresponds to the maximum
burner pressure as detailed on the
table on page 48.
Identify required range rating
setting and note main burner
pressure in mbar for that output.
Adjust central heating output range
as shown on page 47.
Record central heating operating
pressure in the Benchmark Log Book
along with the heat input (kW) and
temperature difference between
flow and return.
Fig. G.3: Using nozzle pressure to check and adjust the heating system partial load
Following adjustment of the
central heating output, the new
output can be checked using the gas
rate table as detailed on page 49.
picture shows a
TURBOmax Plus boiler
This illustration shows the U-tube pressure gauge connected to a system
configured to run on natural gas. When connecting the U-tube pressure
gauge to a system running on LPG, please refer to Fig. G.2 on page 45.