Picture 2: Transport position – on flat base
If the valve is equipped with actuation assemblies, make sure the
actuators are safely stored to prevent transverse loads from af-
fecting the connections.
When selecting and using stop devices, take the weight and the
stop type into account. For the respective weights of the VAG
Butterfly Valve, please refer to KAT 1310-A. The way the
stop devices are used should comply with the relevant regulati-
Butterfly Valves of large nominal diameters do not
have their centre of gravity in the middle and therefore may swing
sideways when lifted if the stop device is improperly fixed.
Avoid jerks and jolts when lifting or lowering the load, as the
forces generated in the process may damage both the valve and
the lifting devices.
For transport purposes and also to support assembly, lifting de-
vices such as cables and belts must only be attached to the valve
body, bearing lugs or the lifting devices provided for that purpose.
The actuator or the gearbox are unsuitable for this purpose. The
Picture 3: Suspension bores of the VAG EKN
Butterfly Valve ≥ DN 900
length and positioning of the cables/belts must ensure that the
valve is in a horizontal position during the entire lifting procedure.
The general regulations relating to the use of lifting devices must
be complied with.
Butterfly Valves sized DN 900 and larger are pro-
vided with suspension bores located above the flange. As shown
in Picture 3, they can be used to lift the VAG EKN
Butterfly Valve.
For valves that have been factory-packed in transport crates
(wooden crates), the centre of gravity of the entire unit must be
taken into account. The centre of gravity is marked on each side
of the crate at our factory and must be considered for all lifting
2.2 Storage
Butterfly Valve should be stored with
its disk slightly open. The elastomeric parts (seals)
must be protected against direct sunlight and/or UV
light as otherwise their long-term sealing function can-
Picture 4: Storage of the VAG EKN
Butterfly Valve
not be guaranteed. Store the valve in a dry and well aerated place
and avoid direct heat. Protect any assembly units important for
proper function such as the disk and the body seal against dust
and other dirt by adequate covering.
Do not remove the protective caps of the connections / flanges
and the packaging materials until immediately prior to assembly
into the pipeline.
The valve can be stored in ambient temperatures ranging from -20
°C to +50 °C (protected by adequate covers). If the valve is stored
at temperatures below 0 °C, it should be warmed up to at least
+5° C before installation and before it is put into operation.
3 Product features
3.1 Features and function description
Butterfly Valve is a fully flanged butterfly valve and
can therefore be used both between two flanges and as an end-
of-line valve without counter-flange and at full operating pressure.
The design of the VAG EKN
Butterfly Valve is that of an eccentric
valve with a double offset bearing of the disk. In closed position,
the disk is perpendicular to the direction of flow. To close or open
the valve, the disk must be turned by 90°.
VAG Operation and Maintenance Instructions • 4