Installation Checklist
V30-RC Installation Checklist
Please read all instructions prior to installation.
Cold Water Inlet Pressure? __________________
(Do not proceed if in excess of 500KPA)
Hot Water Pressure? __________________
(Hot and cold water pressures must be equal before continuing and must not exceed 500KPA).
Is a pressure limiting valve fitted to the HWS Y / N (Circle)
Equal pressure of the hot and cold water systems is critical for the correct operation of this product. Do not install pressure limiting valve,
stop taps or any valve with a non return capability.
Important do’s and don’ts
The cold water line must not have a non-return valve between the outlet and the hot water unit.
Flexible connections must only be used
Do not over tighten or place additional pressure on the connections.
The hot and cold connection points must connect directly to the hot and cold lines.
(No pressure limiting valves at connections.)
The water supply must be turned on and the pump primed before turning on the power.
Warning – Operation of the V30-RC without water will damage the unit and void the warranty. Ensure that the water supply is on before
operating the V30-RC. The V30-RC is not suitable for gravity fed low-pressure hot water systems. Ensure that the water pressure does not
exceed 500kpa and that the hot and cold-water pressures are equal (see installation instructions for further detail). The V30-RC must be
installed by a licensed plumber, failure to comply with this will automatically void the warranty.
Products in this specification manual must by regulation be installed by licenced and registered trades people. The manufacturer / distributor reserves the right to vary
specifications or delete models from their range without prior notification. Dimensions and set-outs listed are correct at time of publication however the manufacturer
distributor takes no responsibility for printing errors.