Vacuum cleaner won’t run
Be sure the unit is plugged in.
Be sure you turned the system on.
Check your circuit breaker panel.
Make sure there is not too much on
that circuit causing it to trip.
Low suction or no suction
First, see above.
Usually low suction is caused by a full
bag. Change your bag. See
Operating Instructions for details.
Is the dirt canister lid off or loose?
Be sure the lid is replaced squarely on
the top of the canister and that the
gasket has not been pulled loose or it
could allow a vacuum leak. If gasket is
loose, reattach with contact cement
or super glue.
Is there blockage in the hose or tools?
Disconnect the hose from power unit,
use a blunt item to push the clog out.
If the blockage is in the tools, remove it.
Is PP101 Protector Plate in place?
Lift the lid. The metal plate should
be located just beneath the HEPA bag
inside the can, laying flat with the
smooth side up.
Most problems that develop can be fixed easily by following the below suggested solutions: