4.7 Network Protocol Setting
HTTP Setting: HTTP setting adjust port number corresponding to IPC (video streaming), this
allows user to use multiple IPC under the same IP address. Syncing with NVR allows user to
accept command from NVR. ONVIF setting allow IPC communications under ONVIF
RTSP Setting: This allow user to manually change RTSP port number and video stream
packet size. Our default RTSP port is 554 under ONVIF protocol.
FTP Setting: File Transfer Protocol is a server-client structured protocol for backup video file
on server automatically. A FTP server must be established or enabled prior to streaming
(upload) video on to FTP server.
SMTP Setting: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a standard for web based email transfer. With
effective settings, IPC can send alarm triggered push mail or video clip directly to a
designated email address for notification purposes.