Terms and Conditions
The overall risk, is that arising out of the use or performance of software and hardware
products. This product will be informed, such as when it is used with certain device or
other hardware, may enable you to carry out surveillance and data processing, which
may be subject to or in violation of applicable law, which includes but is not limited to
data privacy, and criminal law. Please check your use to comply with applicable laws is
the responsibility of users themselves.
Limitation of liability
The provision of this paragraph is in effect to the maximum extent permitted by
applicable law. In any situation Xia, VACRON or its dealer assumed any special, and
accidentally of, and indirect of, and or any indirect loss (including but not limited to
business profits loss, and business interrupted, and commercial information loss, and
or any other money loss of compensation) due to using or cannot using of software
products or provides or failed provides appropriate of support, even we of company
has is informed this class damage of possibilities. If there is no willful misconduct or
gross negligence, under any provision of this agreement, VACRON total liability, shall
be limited to the amount actually paid.
Other conventions
(A) Prohibition of reverse engineering, decompilation, splitting or rescind the contract
within the scope allowed by the applicable law cannot be waived by, as well as
any software and hardware components of the product.
(B) As long as the recipient agrees to the terms of this agreement, you may
permanently transfer rights of use of this product.
Closing remarks
Without prejudice to any other rights, the company may terminate this license
agreement. If you fail to comply with its terms and conditions, in which case you must
destroy all copies of the software product