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Va co n
I/ O - ex p a nd er b oa r d insta lla tion (Va con CX S- r a ng e)
Vacon Plc
+3 5 8 -2 0 1 2 1 2 1
+3 5 8 -2 0 1 2 1 2 2 0 5
+3 5 8 -4 0 -8 3 7 1 1 5 0
[email protected]
http:/ / w w
Due to the compact frame size of the Vacon CXS series all I/ O -expander boards need
to be installed in a separate box (Vacon CXSO PTBKIT), except the smaller, specifically
for Va con C XS d esig ned b oa rd s (Va con C X1 0 4 O PT, C X1 0 5 O PT, C X1 0 7 O PT,
CX1 0 8 O PT). If ordered together w ith the option board these w ill be preinstalled.
1 . 1
Va con CX1 0 0 O PT
The available I/ O can be increased by using the Vacon C X1 0 0 O PT I/ O -expander
- 5 digital inputs (standard signals)
- 2 analogue inputs (standard signals)
- 3 relay outputs (standard signals)
- analog ue output (prog rammable)
- thermistor input (can be directly connected to the motor
thermistors to monitor the motor temperature)
- encoder input
Typical use: Closed Loop Vector Control
1 . 2
Va con CX 1 0 1 O PT
The available I/ O can be increased by using the Vacon C X1 0 1 O PT I/ O -expander
- 5 digital inputs (standard signals)
- relay output (standard signal)
- thermistor input (can be directly connected to the motor thermistors to monitor
the motor temperature)
Typical use: thermistor input required
1 . 3
Va con CX 1 0 2 O PT
The available I/ O can be increased by using the Vacon C X1 0 2 O PT I/ O -expander
- 5 digital inputs (standard signals)
- 2 analogue inputs (standard signals)
- 3 relay outputs (standard signals)
- analog ue output (prog rammable)
- thermistor input (can be directly connected to the motor thermistors to
monitor the motor temperature)
- encoder input
Typical use: Closed Loop Vector Control
1 . 4
Va con CX 1 0 3 O PT
The available I/ O can be increased by using the Vacon C X1 0 3 O PT I/ O -expander
- 5 digital inputs (standard signals)
- 3 relay outputs (standard signals)
- analog ue output (prog rammable)
- thermistor input (can be directly connected to the motor thermistors to monitor
the motor temperature)
Typical use: thermistor input and additional analogue output required