This exercise works best if practiced daily as suggested. A Patient Instruction
Manual has been included so the Vectograph Vision Therapy System can be sent
home with the patient to allow for greater success through continued at-home
usage and practice.
Thank you for purchasing the Vision Assessment Corporation Pool Balls Polarized
Variable Vectograph (P/N 1048).
A three-dimensional picture is used to strengthen the binocularity system and provide
base-in and/or base-out training.
Polarized Variable Vectograph Vision Therapy System consists of:
1. 1 Therapy Binder
2. 1 Guide
3. 2 Vectographic Panels
Panel 1 (Blue Bar at Bottom)
Panel 2 (Numbers/Letters at Bottom)
4. 1 Pair Standard Polarized Viewers
5. 2 Instruction Manuals
Doctor Instruction Manual
Patient Instruction Manual
6. 1 Patient Vision Therapy Record Form with Pen
Well-lit, glare-free area
If reflections or glare on the Vectograph can be seen, try tilting the test or choose
another testing location
1. Place the polarized viewers on the patient.
2. Hold the Vectograph approximately 16 inches (40 cm) in front of the patient.
3. Slide the 2 panels in the guide until the 0 appears in the opening on the blue bar at
the bottom of the test.
4. Begin by performing a suppression check. Ask the patient to look at Pool Table
image and the Pool Balls by both the Left and Right Pockets of the table. Ask the
patient to point to or identify by the number of each the Solid Ball by the Left
Pocket, #7, and the Striped Ball by the Right Pocket, #11. They should be able to
see/identify both the Solid Ball #7 and the Striped Ball #11 before proceeding with
this exercise.
If the patient does not point to/identify the Solid Ball #7 by the left pocket, the
patient is suppressing vision in his/her left eye. Instruct the patient to cover
their right eye. Have the patient focus with their left eye until he/she is able see
Solid Ball #7 that was not seen when viewing the Vectograph binocularly. Then
again have the patient view the Vectograph binocularly to ensure that the Solid
Ball #7 can be seen.
If the patient does not point to/identify Striped Ball #11 by the Right Pocket, the
patient is suppressing vision in their right eye. Instruct the patient to cover their
left eye. Have the patient focus with their right eye until he/she is able see the
Striped Ball #11 that was not seen when viewing the Vectograph binocularly.
Then again have the patient view the Vectograph binocularly to ensure that the
Striped Ball #11 can be seen.
5. Each of the Balls within the Vectograph are arranged at different levels of depth
with varying seconds of arc. Ask the patient to point to each Ball and indicate if the
Ball appears to be floating away from them (BELOW the Vectograph), towards
them (ABOVE the Vectograph) or if it does not appear to float (EVEN) with the
6. Refer to the “Answer Key” section of this manual for the seconds of arc and
direction and depth of float for each of the Balls. Ask the patient to compare various
Balls and indicate which Ball is closer and which is further away.
7. Next, while slowly sliding the panels apart ask the patient to try to maintain a single
image while repeating Steps 5 & 6.
8. Have the patient indicate when the images double or when he/she is no longer able
to fuse the Ball images. (This is the Breaking Point.)
9. Note the number/letter in the space on the blue bar at the bottom of the
Vectograph. Refer to “Scoring” section of this manual.
10. Next, as you slowly slide the panels back together, ask the patient to indicate when
he/she is able to see the doubled images as a single clear image again. (This is the
Recovery Point.)
11. Note the number/letter in the in the space on the blue bar at the bottom of the
Vectograph. Refer to “Scoring” section of this manual.
12. Repeat steps 5 – 11 until patient can achieve the doctor’s recommended goal.
13. Follow any variation on these exercises as recommended by the doctor.
Each letter A-P on the bottom blue bar represents one diopter (Base-In) (Divergence
/ Relaxing).
Each number 1-10 on the bottom blue bar represents one diopter. (Base-Out)
(Convergence / Crossing).
Each number 10-24 represents two diopters. (Base-Out) (Convergence / Crossing).